Change Vista’s Power Button To Shutdown, Not Sleep
If you’re here, it is most likely because you are like I used to be, annoyed that Windows Vista’s Start menu power button puts the computer to sleep instead of turning it off. Well, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll change it so in two clicks you can power off your computer. First off,…
Freemasonry: Second Degree Passed (finally)
We finally got passed to the Masonic degree of Fellow Craft. I Say finally since it’s taken us six months when most of the Brothers in the lodge completed all three degrees in three to four months. The degree ceremony itself went well. It was very similar to the Entered Apprentice ceremony but was overall…
Progress in 1st degree studies
I am happy to report that my Masonic classmates and I have gotten together several times since my last post for group studies. The good news is that everyone is farther along now than they were. The bad news is that it became screamingly obvious that only two of us had been studying at all.…
My First Lodge Meeting
After a summer that has passed all too quickly, I received a communication in the mail announcing the first meeting of the lodge since going dark for the summer. I’m assuming that someone dropped the ball as the meeting was set for two days from when I received the mailing. This was my first real…
Configuring Globalscape SFTP Behind an ISA Firewall
I was having some trouble trying to get FTP over SSL on a Globalscape SFTP (Secure FTP) server working behind an ISA Firewall. Once I got it working, I figured I’d post the configuration to hopefully help you avoid the headache of figuring it out on your own. On the ISA server I created two…
WordPress K2 – How To Move Title Text Up or Down
In the WordPress K2 Theme, the title text is automatically placed on the left hand side about halfway down the header. This works beautifully if you have the plain blue background that comes enabled by default with the K2 them, but can cause problems if you decide to use the custom header image option. This basically…
New Bling! Breitling Super Avenger Purchase and Pictures
So what can I say? I must have been a VERY good boy this year. The chick bought me a Breitling Super Avenger. She gave it to me as a combo present for pretty much every holiday for the rest of the year due to the cost. I’ve been eyeing the Breitling Super Avenger for…
I May Have Sleep Apnea
A few weeks ago, my wife went to the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor as she had seen something on TV about cleaning out your ears with some kind of solution that you get from the pharmacy. Inspired, she jaunted off to the local CVS and got the goods and fired it off into her…
First Degree Completed – Welcome Brother!
Last night was a wonderful evening. A friend of mine was also taking his first degree last night, so we met and drove over to the lodge together. We were greeted by several Brothers that we had met at prior lodge events that were open to non members. We felt quite natural and had no awkward…